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Forest Romania 2019

Forest Romania 2019

The first demo fair for Forestry in Romania

5 - 7 September 2019, Zizin - Transylvania, Romania

The company behind Forest Romania is DLG of Germany with its Romanian subsidiary Intermarketing and its Romanian partners. So all the expertise and experience exists to hold a professional forestry fair in its right environment.

The fair consists of a field area for companies that do not require a forest setting to exhibit their machines in operation, plus a demo trail where exhibitors can demonstrate felling operations using skidders, harvesters, forwarders and cableways. The demo trail goes through steep terrain with a significant elevation difference. Here exhibitors have the possibility to demonstrate impressively the power of their technique for these demanding conditions.

Companies that want to exhibit their equipment in operation should visit the site to plan their participation together with the organizers. DLG will offer several dates for site visits in spring 2017.

In conjunction with Forest Romania 2017 there will also be seminars, industry meetings and other activities, including events in cooperation with the forestry faculty of the University of Braşov.

If you are interested in organising an activity or meeting in conjunction with the fair, please contact Reiner Hofmann at DLG.


Forest Romania will be held at two-year intervals at the same site.

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